Home Seller Assist Newsletter – Volume ‏3

February 28, 2009

 To Win Big You Must Plan Big
Dennis Scott of Punta Gorda, Florida, is an avid walker and
almost daily crosses the Peace River.  One day during his
walk he noticed a fisherman using very large crab, four or
five inches across, as bait. 
As he continued his walk he noticed another fisherman using
tiny shrimp for bait.  As he made the return trip he first
saw the fisherman using the shrimp bait pulling in a small
trout of less than one pound.  Dennis asked how his fishing
was going and he enthusiastically replied, “Just great! 
Look in the bucket!” 
The bucket contained about twenty small trout.
As Dennis continued his walk the crab bait fisherman called
out to him to help him with his catch.  The catch turned out
to be about a 50-pound “drum.” 
As he walked away from the two fisherman the thought occurred
to Dennis that both men were fishing in the same river and both
men were getting out of that river about what they expected.
That story is certainly applicable to all of our lives. 
Many people complain about lost opportunities, dead-end jobs
or businesses that are in trouble.  There’s no doubt that those
situations do exist and I’ll agree that all opportunities are
not equal. 
However, I am repeatedly reminded of the number of people who
do well in one type of business while down the street a similar
business is closing its doors. 
The same is true of builders, plumbers, salespeople, physicians,
Expectations do play a part because our expectations determine
our plans and our plans determine our results.
As a parent, I can assure you that parental expectations have a
direct bearing on children’s performance. 
As an employer and educator, I can also assure you that my
expectations have a bearing on the performance of my employees
and students.
Think about it, expect a lot, and I’ll SEE YOU AT THE TOP! 
Zig Ziglar is a motivator and teacher.  He is the author of 27
books and loved by millions of people world wide for his
practical wisdom and his gift of hope.
Yes, if you have not yet joined the Home Seller Assist program,
you are throwing thousands of dollars away. Not only do we
offer 3% funding to investors to purchase short sales and REOs,
but last Tuesday we introduced another program where you can
earn huge fees.
We now purchase non-performing assets from lending institutions.
You merely contact the bank and put them in touch with our
hedge fund and if the fund purchases the portfolio of non-performing
assets, you earn a 1/2% fee. So on a 10 million purchase, you would
make an easy $50,000 
Larry Potter, Pres.
P.S. I wanted to alert you to the new video called The Tour, which will
take you into the “paid” members area of the Home Seller Assist program.

Home Seller Assist Newsletter – Volume 2‏‏

February 28, 2009

now-is-time-to-get-started2TAKE ACTION, TAKE ACTION you hear it all the time! 

But guess what, it’s worth nothing if someone doesn’t teach you how to take action.
Motivation is not the answer, a To Do list helps a little but it’s not enough.
So what is it you need? The answer to taking action is PRESSURE.
Apply pressure to a ball and it will roll. Apply some pressure to yourself and you will start moving!
But the pressure has to be just right. Too little and you’ll just give up. Too much pressure and you’re afraid to take risk. First, relax, calm down and solve all your other problems first.
Now what usually happens is you join a program and sit down and try to cover everything in one sitting. When you are finally done, you are too overwhelmed and too tired to take action. Most of us will take some rest and then go look for more information and this happens to many because their is so much information out there.
And so the cycle repeats. You buy a new course, read or watch it…and then you do nothing about what you just learned.
Do you see why you are not earning anything yet. Those of us who are earning money don’t just read, we ACT. What, you say you did act but did not see any return even after that.
Go back and review what you did. Purchasing a domain name and signing up a hosting account is not enough. If you had to build a website and setting up your webpage is only 20% of the game! (and with the Home Seller Assist program, you don’t)
It is called Internet Marketing…not Building a Website!
So what do you do? Watch the first training segment and then act on it. You need to solve immediately every question that emerges from your course. Then you go on to the next training or step. Keep doing this until you reach the final training session.
The important thing is that you take action and you gain experience. You might have made some mistakes, but you did something and learned from it!
It is best not to buy several programs at once and devour them all at once because you will definitely feel burntout and will be back to doing nothing again.
Take your program, act quickly and act accordingly. This is the path you must take if you want to succeed. Otherwise you will never move on from the learning phase. Only when you act will you actually improve and profit from it.
Are you lazy? Then take small steps at a time to combat it. Promise yourself to spend only half an hour per day going thru the training. True, it’s not much, but it will get you started and some time, you will find it hard to stop. That 1/2 hour could eventually turn into 2-3 hours once you get rolling!
Get started by doing things in small step, make it look so simple to do, that don’t have too much of an excuse not to begin.
That brings up another good topic, EXCUSES. You must be able to recognize excuses as they come. And when you see them coming, elimiate them immediately so that you can focus on the important stuff.
You guys know I take time to help my team, probably more than other team leaders which is why some of you have asked John to put you under me. But every once is awhile, a member will call me with a long story of how this is not working and that they have contacted a few people, sent a few emails and placed an ad online. While they are telling me their story, I am placing ads and sending emails and responding to other members.
That is 30-45 minutes they could have been doing something!
How are you supposed to earn money? How are you supposed to have time to act on anything if you spend time talking about it instead of doing something? Sometimes I suggest that if they have the money, hire somebody to do it for them so something gets done!
You really need to set your mind in the right direction and then steer your body towards it.
Right now you need to say, “ONLY RESULTS MATTER…Any other reason I give myself are just lame excuses.”
To win this battle against inaction, you need to handle your inner person first. It’s about the ability to fully control your own mind, your own body and spirit with logical thoughts instead of being conquered by your selfish desires.
For a normal person, desire almost always wins by default. Remember as a kid when your Mom or Dad gave you a chore to do, but your desire told you to do it later and go outside and play? That was desire taking over your body. Or how about when you were suppose to create an online ad, but your body wouldn’t budge from the couch? That was desire eating up your soul. Hmmmm, sounds like a good Twilight Zone episode!
So how do you control and become the master of your body? First, you must condition your mind, your attitude and your character.
Whether you know it or not, your greatest strength is the ability to change. But change is never easy and most of us are terrified of it. Changing old habits is very difficult if you don’t know how.
So, how do motivate change? Try the REWARD SYSTEM.
Set a goal. Go to your computer and work on that goal for 30 minutes. Then each day reward yourself with a treat, go see a movie, go out to eat or go spoil a nice walk by playing a round of golf (of course if you play like me, that me be a punishment!)
You’re right if you are thinking this method is SOFT and rarely works on lazy people like myself.  DON’T LOOK AT ME IN THAT TONE OF VOICE! You know I am right.
That’s why PUNISHMENT comes into play.
Set yourself a goal, sit at your computer and act upon it for at least 30 minutes and if by the end of the day you fail to reach your goak…PUNISH YOURSELF!
Instead of going out to eat, make a sandwich, instead of playing golf, watch 30 minutes on the Golf Channel. Why does this push you to act? It’s the pressure and it  helps you change your lazy ways and makes you work harder. In the summer, I love to sit on the porch and read, but if I have not done a few hours of marketing, you won’t catch me out there. If I have not put my time in marketing in the morning, you won’t be catching me out on the golf course trying to fish my ball out of the water!
Now, what about Creativity? If you are a sharp and smart person, you use your creativity to help eliminate your weaknesses. If you know that demanding yourself to act won’t work, think of ways to make yourself work.
Everytime you are feeling lazy or want to lay down and watch TV, go look in a mirror and say, “Watching TV and laying down are more important than my future. The TV owns me and I am a slave to you my wonderful television”.  And say it seriously and make it sound exaggerated.
Think it will work? Try it. This method is so ridiculour and funny that it actually works because if you do watch television after that…you will fee absolutely silly. You have just controlled your body and LOGIC won over DESIRE!
Here is something that is very important when doing this. Don’t limit yourself…use your creativity to push yourself to act. Apply pressure here and there. Think of ways to make yourself act.  Read your goals daily, create a to do list each day.
Slowly you will re-shape your character and change your attitude.
If you have any of Anthony Robbins’ course you know he teached to model after successful people. Walk like they walk, talk like they talk, eat how they eat and soon you’ll find yourself acting like they act in their business. So, if you’re working the Home Seller Assist program, you’re all going to be wearing Hawaiian shirts soon!
If you just use your creativity, you will soon see yourself full of whacky BUT effective methods that help you take action.
Of course, you MUST WANT to achieve your goals desperately enough to be motivated to act.
Do you want a new car, do you want to play golf each day? Then ask yourself how badly do you want it. Do you like looking in the driveway seeing your beater or looking out the window at work thinking how much you would love to be outdoors in the afternoon playing golf. If you don’t want it BAD enough..you’ll never act. Believe me I know. When I was
a traffic manager for Zion Industries, I use to glance out the window on a nice warm sunny day thinking how great it would be to be playing golf or sitting in the backyard reading instead of sitting inside. If you can tell yourself confidently that YES, I want it REAL bad, you’ll see yourself very soon changing the way you think and the way you handle yourself daily.
It is only when you want it bad enough that you will be able to commit yourself to the Home Seller Assist program. Back in August of 1984 while working that job as a traffic manager I came across Robert Allen’s book called Nothing Down and my desire not to be sitting indoors on a beautiful summer day was so strong that after reading half the book, I went out and bought my first property, a two-unit. While it was not exactly  a nothing
down deal, I put down $2000, but prorations of rents on this two unit took it down quite a bit and I got in for a few hundred dollars. By the time I got laid off in May of 1988, I was at the point where I could become self-employed. Actually, I had planned to quit the following year but the layoff gave me the final boost to go it alone and I have never worked for anyone since.
No, it’s not easy shifting and changing your mentality from a factory or office worker to being an entrepreneur. When you are working from home, there is no boss to yell at you, well you might have a spouse if you’re lucky, but you don’t have a senior person to motivate you..
You are the show, you are the BOSS! You have to constantly motivate yourself and keep believing in your own ability to make money online. Soon, you will make your first dollar, in the case of the Home Seller Assist program, that will be $400 and the ball will keep rollling on from there. Most of you know, I started working the HSA program as a Platinum member in mid-June of 2008 and I recently crossed the $55,000 level of earnings. I owe it to my attitude, mentality, character and my creativity.
As I get older and the days seem to fly by more quickly, I realize you can run and you can hide, but you cannot STOP TIME. So, proper time management is very important. If you want quick success, you need to put in your time. The less time you put in, the slower your success will be. It’s like boiling a pot of water. You turn on the fire and leave it on until the water boils, you don’t heat it for 20 seconds and then turn it off and then wait for 20 seconds and turn it on for another 20 seconds and keep doing that hoping it will eventually boil.
If you keep going you will eventually make enough money each month to survive and pay all your bills and eventually surpass your wages if you are working. If you are on a fixed income or you are a student, you will eventually start earning some extra cash to meet your needs. What if you only signed up two Platinum level members per month. Gee, that would be and extra $800 per month and guess what? When they sign up their 1st and 4th person, you’ll make $600 on each one! That should get you going!

Larry Potter, Pres.. 
P.S. Don’t forget the webcast at 8pm Eastern Mon-Wed

P.S.S.  If you missed my Twitter Tip  you can watch the short video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV_WtBA83fI

New Home Seller Assist program introduced‏

February 28, 2009

This is Larry Potter and I have the “A-Team” at
the Home Seller Assist program and I just wanted to give you
some very important updates.
1. Because the program is spreading like wildfire, we added
an extra webcast, so we are live Mon-Wed at 8pm at

2.  We are also adding an AUCTION course which at one time
cost $3000, you now get it at no extra cost, plus you still
get the Inverse Purchase system which I paid almost $2000 for
about two years ago, again, at no extra cost!
3. And even though HSA does not offer the Temporary Seller
Financing program, those who become Platinum members under
me will get access to a source of mine who can provide this
service with credit scores down to 560. Not only that, my
source is taking affiliate applications right now and will
pay you some handsome fees for sending people to them. They
have a lot of programs. They are not part of HSA, you get them as
a bonus when you join under me.
4. I use an emailer system created for my team by a Rich
Johnson and even though you may not be a paid member yet,
you can ask for the emailer by mentioning my name, Larry Potter.
Rich is releasing 4 new mailers very shortly, so you need
to contact him now at rich215@fastmail.fm  You can use this
with any business and it allows you to send between 5000-
10,000 emails per evening, and he provides some good solid
leads with it too. I have gotten several paid members off
of the fresh leads he provides..
5. Over the weekend, the first person ever to work her way
up from a no cost trial to a paid Platinum member jumped
into the ranks of active members. And on Monday evening,
I interviewed her and found out how she did it. The call
was recorded (#6) and is on my blog at
You need to go to FastBuyerLoans.com right now and join.

You should also setup a “personal” Paypal.com account right now
if you don’t have one because it is the cheapest (no
cost) and fastest way to start collecting those $400 and
$600 payments.
Take care.
Larry Potter

Home Seller Assist – Student Jobs

February 27, 2009

Home Seller Assist – The Tour

February 27, 2009

Home Seller Assist – Twitter on Steroids

February 27, 2009

Do The Day and Let The Day Do You!*

January 6, 2009

At a seminar that I attended I came across this quote:

“We are for the most part nouns living in a world screaming for verbs.”

I thought this statement was quite profound. As I look to most situations
in my life I see this statement as abundantly true.

It reminds me of a friend who was once a part of the main stream corporate
world as a sales rep and once he got used to that change from school to the
job world he realized that it wasn’t something that he was all that excited
to be a part of. In fact, I remember that after about 6 months on the job he
got up to take a shower and all he could thank was this was the exact same
routine that he had followed to a tee every day for the last six months.

This shook him to the core when he thought about the future. Was this routine all he had to look forward to for the rest of his life? Further, on his job they were even graded on a monthly basis how well they did exactly what they were “taught” to do – down to the very last word.(Can you say automaton?)

He thought the corporate world wanted him because he was bright, young, and energetic, but all they wanted was another cog in the wheel – a noun.

Well, he wasn’t having any of that! (And I suspect you have the same desire
or else you wouldn’t be reading this.)

My first encounter with network marketing was really not to much different
then his corporate life. I was given a task and a script to follow and I was
instructed to head out and do it to a tee. The goal was financial freedom,
but in essence the work was no different than his corporate experience – this didn’t fit me.

Then came the Home Seller Assist program. I created my own plan, my own template for what I needed, and then found the right way to put that plan into action.

In fact I don’t think I followed the status quo at all or even asked my upline (which was only one person, John Alexander, the founder) one question about how I should promote my business. I simply did what I thought
was best. I took action. In fact, I was action – the verb. And it was from this
action that success began to flow ( in just slightly over 6 months I pulled in $47,000 promoting We Provide The Cash ). I’m not saying following the status quo is wrong.
The truth is most people out there do what they are told to do, “the job mentality”, and live a very decent life for doing it. All I’m saying is if you want to live the life you dream of you MUST take independent action. Do it your way and don’t give up until you get there.

Don’t forget to attend the live webcast each Tues and Wed at 8pm Eastern,

just register now at http://www.fastbuyerloans.com

No knowledge of real estate or financing needed. Start Now

* quote from Stephen King’s book Duma

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January 6, 2009

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